More SSD VPS available in our Adelaide POP

Thursday, March 6, 2025

We've added a new server in our Adelaide, South Australia POP to provide for more SSD based VPS availability there.

Migration of many of our KVM based VPS to new Hosting Nodes

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Mostly during September 2023 we'll be migrating many of our Shopfront VPS to new VPS Hosting Nodes in our Sydney POP. Some customers will experience short outages as their VPS are migrated and when necessary, we'll cleanly shutdown a VPS to be migrated and restart it again once its migration is completed.

Operations Notices on

Sunday, July 30, 2023

We've moved our Operations real-time feed from Twitter to our own site at

Windows VPS Plans now available

Sunday, June 27, 2021

We've released a range of Windows VPS Plans which install either Windows 10 Professional or Windows Server 2019 operating system for your VPS. They're well resourced with NVMe based disks and ample memory resources and are auto-provisioned by the Shopfront site promptly after ordering and payment.

Pay By The Hour VPS

Monday, December 21, 2015

We’re constantly innovating, internally or for customers, and we now have our “Pay By the Hour” for VPS runtime product released in the form of ‘VPS Options’. Our “Per Hour Charging” for VPS means that customers can purchase a VPS product on our website and once provisioned, they can fund its ongoing operation (runtime, where the VPS is booted and online) through the purchase of our “Cloud...

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New Nodes online for KVM & Xen VPS Orders via Shopfront site

Friday, November 20, 2015

We've added more Nodes (physical servers) for the OZC & High Power KVM VPS Plans, as well as the Xen VPS Plans on our Shopfront site at

10 x IPv6 Addresses for all VPS ordered through

Saturday, November 7, 2015

We've updated the IPv6 resources provided to all VPS ordered through our new Shopfront site at to now include 10 x IPv6 Addresses for each VPS.

IPv6 activated for all OZC & High Power KVM VPS Plans

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Global IPv6 Internet address-space routing is now activiated and available for any of the OZC VPS Plans and the High Power KVM SSD VPS Plans offered through our Shopfront website. Static IPv6 addresses includied and IPv6 'subnets' are also available. Any customes needing help or more info are welcome to contact us for assistance and info on Network Presence long established IPv6...

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New High Power KVM SSD VPS Plans

Friday, September 4, 2015

We've released an new range of High Power KVM SSD VPS Plans based in our Sydney POP with Intel Xeon CPU Cores and fast ECC RAM on mirrored SSD RAID Arrays at great prices, see

Upgraded CPU Resources for OZC KVM VPS Plans

Saturday, August 1, 2015

We're increased the number of vCPU Cores available to each of the OZC KVM VPS Plans (SSD and HDD based VPS Plans) and each of the CPU Cores provided to these KVM VPS have more processing resources too.

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